The procedure to be followed for effective and timely resolutions to grievances relating to standard setting activities, procedures and Gold Standard itself, as well as, SustainCERT, Gold Standard Validation & Verification Bodies (VVBs) or the Oversight Body (if applicable). ...

Form to submit methodologies ...

This template provides guidance and a checklist to guide project developers through the initial stages of project design. It is mandatory for all new projects requesting a preliminary review, except those transitioning from another standard. ...

As of 14 April 2023, the Design Change Memo Template was integrated into the Design Documentation templates (PDD/PoADD/VPADD) as an annex. The aim of this change is to streamline the process of design change submissions and to reduce the documentary burden on the project developers.---For project developers to formally request approval of material and permanent changes in their project design. ...

Standardised template to submit any new monitoring indicators for the SDG Impact Tools ...

For Objective Observers to document their validation assessment of a microscale project. ...

The projects transitioning from CDM or other Standards to Gold Standard for Global Goals (GS4GG) shall submit the transition request form and PDD (this document). The Transition Request Form is also to be completed for projects that are already registered with GS4GG for CER labelling and seek to move to GSVER stream to issue Gold Standard VERs. ...

A guidance note to help prepare the conversion of POAs/CPAs/Projects from other standards to GS4GG. To be used alongside GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements – Annex B and the Transition Request Form, it also contains annexes for frequently asked project specific technology types, which include improved cookstoves (ICS), rice cultivation and A/R projects. ...

Authorisation Letter to fill in ...

Authorisation Checklist ...

This Rule Update introduces the mandatory use of digital SDG Impact Tool for the quantification and reporting of SDG impacts and assessment against Safeguarding Principles and Requirements by Project Developers (PD) and Coordinating and Managing Entities (CME); validation/verification by Validation and Verification Bodies (VVBs) and design and performance review by Gold Standard/Certification Body (CB). ...

The rule update outlines: • Revisions to Paragraph 2.1.7 in the Renewable Energy Activity Requirements (V1.4), which pertain to the pre-approved exception for eligibility of grid-connected renewable energy projects with distributed installations. • Eligibility criteria for grid-connected projects that feature a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). ...

Following the publication of the Procedure for Development, Revision, and Certification of Methodologies and Methodological Tools v.2.0, the Gold Standard has conducted a review of status of approved methodologies. ...

With this rule update, the scope of the fast-track preliminary review is extended to include most project types, the document requirements have been reduced and the timelines for review expedited. The revised requirements and procedures are summarised in this rule update document. ...

The Gold Standard Microscale Scheme offers a simplified certification option i.e., internal validation and verification for Microscale standalone projects (henceforth projects), and Programme of Activities and Voluntary Project Activities (PoAs/VPAs). ...

The new safe water supply methodology will come into effect on 02 August 2021. This rule update provides guidance on the timelines and requirements for project developers currently applying Annex 3 of the TPDDTEC methodology, including information on registry submission, and changes + flexibilities provided for the issuance of Gold Standard Verified Emission Reductions (GSVERs). ...

The Gold Standard has put in place interim Covid-19 measures to provide as much flexibility as possible to enable the ongoing success of Gold Standard projects. Interim measures have been extended from 30/06/2022 to 31/12/2022 for only those projects which are located at a place where COVID-19 related restrictions still exist. ...

Applied to the Gold Standard Principles and Requirements, this rule update provides information on the scope, applicability and entry into force for the SDG Impact Tools. ...

Gold Standard version 2.0 instituted minimum site visit frequency requirements for Validation/Verification Bodies (VVBs) as part of the project verification process, subject to reasonable exceptions. This rule update provides requirements and guidelines for VVBs to address the instances when the project/VPAs are in non-compliance with the minimum site visit requirements. ...

The Global Warming Potential values - for calculating the carbon dioxide equivalence of anthropogenic emissions and removals - have been updated as per the IPCC Fifth Assessment report (AR5). These updates have been implemented by the Gold Standard Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) and apply to all vintages of Gold Standard credits on or after 01 January 2020. ...

This methodology update expands the scope of applicability of the current usage requirements and guidelines to include Household Biogas Digesters. This update ensures consistency, and sound monitoring and reporting. ...

This rule update introduces flexibility to the Gold Standard Programme of Activities (PoAs) requirements through changes to the VVB compliance check requirements with regards to the inclusion of project activities, the documentation required for PoA design change requests and the time of submission for design change requests. ...

Gold Standard for the Global Goals is regularly updated in accordance with ISEALs Code of Best Practice. A 60-day public consultation was held between 17/06/19 and 18/09/19. Comments received were consolidated and fed into the Standard’s rule update. The main updates to the standard documents are summarized in this document. ...

This rule update is for Verification and Validation Bodies (VVBs) conducting both the validation and verification of the same project/Programme of Activity (POA). ...

RELATED TEMPLATE : Transition CDM Other Standard to GS4GG ...

This rule update introduces changes to harmonize requirements on the maximum crediting period allowed with regards to projects transitioning from another carbon crediting scheme, including CDM, to issue Gold Standard VERs under Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG) or CDM projects applying for GS4GG labelling. ...

This rule update introduces changes to the eligibility requirements of Small Scale (SSC) projects and Voluntary Project Activities (VPAs) accounting Suppressed Demand Scenario to establish baseline. ...

This rule update relaxes eligibility requirements for transition projects seeking GS VERs or labelling of emission reductions under Gold Standard for the Global Goals. ...

Introduces new eligibility requirements specifically for Programme of Activities (PoAs) with Voluntary Project Activities (VPAs)/Component Project Activities (CPAs) involving renewable energy technologies. ...

Outlines the requirements for CDM projects seeking to transition to Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG). ...

Gold Standard expands the scope of its Renewable Energy Requirements to include Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incineration project activities. Gold Standard has developed a set of new requirements for MSW incineration project activities seeking certification under Gold Standard for the Global Goals. ...

To encourage more renewable energy projects, Gold Standard has expanded its RENEWABLE ENERGY LABEL REQUIREMENTS to provide more flexibility for retroactive Renewable Energy projects applying to certify just Renewable Energy Labels. The new rule update also aligns our Renewable Energy Label requirements with eligible renewable energy labelling schemes, such as iRECs. ...

Gold Standard has released the standard procedure for Impact Quantification methodology approval under the Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG). ...

The rule update allows GS-CER projects to become eligible for Gold Standard Renewable Energy Labels provided certain conditions are met to mitigate the risk of issuing carbon credits and renewable energy certificates from the same MWh. ...

The methodology “Reducing Vessel Emissions Through the Use of Advanced Hull Coatings” has been put on hold to address the inconsistencies in GHGs emission reductions quantification approaches. ...

Gold standard has introduced exemptions for retroactive projects from LUF and Shipping sector. ...

The document clarifies the definition of the first submission date for the regular VPAs submitted for inclusion in a design certified PoA via regular or fast track inclusion pathways. ...

This clarification provides further information on requirements for conducting the speed trials to demonstrate compliance with Methodology for Retrofit Energy Efficiency Measures in Shipping V2.0. ...

This rule clarification provides further guidance on specific project information and documents that need to be made publicly and transparently available for each certification stage. It also prescribes the approach for treating confidential information in project documents required to be made public. ...

To ensure the transparency and traceability of the emission reduction claims from carbon project, the project developer shall maintain an accurate and complete sales record ...

GS4GG follows crediting cycles that are different from CDM. This document provides further clarification regarding the application of GS4GG crediting period rules to CDM projects that are transitioning to GS4GG (GS VER) including the transitioning GSCER projects. ...

Landfilling and dumping of waste is practiced extensively in many regions of the world and causes significant environmental concerns. ...

This rule clarification provides further guidance on specific project situations that were not clearly covered by version 2.0 of the Transition Requirements for projects transitioning from previous versions of the Gold Standard to the Gold Standard for the Global Goals. ...

This rule clarification outlines a provision to demonstrate compliance with CORISA Emissions Unit Eligibility Criteria (EUC) for projects applying methodology or methodological standards that allows exemptions for situations where legally binding mandates are systematically not enforced and non-compliance is widespread in a country. ...

The Water Boiling Test is used to calculate the thermal efficiency of cookstoves. It consists of three phases that immediately follow each other. This rule clarification outlines which phases can be used for calculating high-power thermal efficiency. ...

Transitioning Programme of Activities (PoAs) are allowed to retain their 7 year crediting period at the time of transition to Gold Standard for the Global Goals, however, subsequent PoA crediting period renewals shall follow the GS4GG certification cycle, i.e. 5 year cycle. ...

This rule clarification is applicable to Programme of Activities (PoA) version for inclusion of Verified Project Activities (VPAs) after PoA renewal. ...

Applies to projects and PoAs using current or previous versions of the Gold Standard’s improved cooking solutions methodology (TPDDTEC). It clarifies that the levels of Usage Monitoring Requirements and corresponding caps now apply to each monitored cookstove age group. ...

Performance Shortfall Guidelines present a set of requirements and follow-up actions to address the performance shortfall scenario associated with a Gold Standard certified Land Use and Forests project. This rule clarification introduces a few editorial changes to remove errors in these guidelines. ...

Performance Shortfall Guidelines present a set of requirements and follow-up actions to address the performance shortfall scenario associated with a Gold Standard certified Land Use and Forests project. This rule clarification introduces a few editorial changes to remove errors in these guidelines. ...

This rule clarification provides further clarity on applicability of the eligibility criteria pertaining to waste to energy and biomass based project activities supplying electricity to grid. ...

This rule clarification confirms the maximum retroactive certification period allowed for projects seeking combined design certification with the first verification/performance certification under Gold Standard for the Global Goals. ...

Gold Standard projects shall not introduce GMO crops, trees, and/or livestock; however, the continuation of use of GMOs already in place in the baseline is allowed. This document provides further clarification. ...

This rule clarification confirms that Annex B “Requirements for A/R smallholder & microscale projects” apply to all eligible LUF projects including Afforestation & Reforestation Projects (A/R) and Agriculture Projects (AGR). The title of Annex B, LUF Activity Requirements, has been amended to reflect this. ...

Clarification on issuances of PERs ...

This rule clarification provides guidelines on the applicability of the Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) Tool 32 – Positive list of technologies in the context of Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG) certification for waste handling and disposal projects. ...

Clarification on definition of Erroneous Inclusion and requirements for managing Non- Conformity have been included in these documents. ...

Clarification on issuance of Gold Standard VERs related to eligible Soil Carbon component ...

Clarification on applicability of Global Warming Potential for Gold Standard for Global Goal projects ...

Clarification on eligibility of credits that can be used to meet the Gold Standard Conformity Buffer requirements. ...

Training Webinar for Project Developers recorded 20 June 2024 ...

Gold Standard hosted a training webinar for Validation and Verification Bodies (VVB) Auditors on the 27 June which covered a range of important topics related to the digital SDG Impact Tool and Dashboard, including: - How to easily access and best use of tool - Key functions of the tool and benefits for auditors and project reviewers - Introduction to ...

Webinar on new Gold Standard methodology - Methane Emission Reduction by adjusted Water Management practice in rice cultivation Presented by Hugh Salway, Owen Hewlett, Ashwin Shailaja and Lokesh Dube from Gold Standard and Reiner Wassmann from Climate Change and Agriculture Expert, International Rice Research Institute ...

Webinar Recorded 1 March 2022 + Q&A session ...

As our official certification provider, SustainCERT will provide training and support for you in considering or implementing these updates. Upcoming webinars for Project Developers and VVBs will cover: Recent Rules Updates: Eligible crediting period for projects transitioning to GS4GG or seeking labelling under GS4GG VPA/CPA Inclusion Requirements Eligibility Requirements for Renewable Energy Project transitioning to or seeking labelling under GS4GG ...

As our official certification provider, SustainCERT will provide training and support for you in considering or implementing these updates. Upcoming webinars for Project Developers and VVBs will cover: Recent Rules Updates: Eligible crediting period for projects transitioning to GS4GG or seeking labelling under GS4GG VPA/CPA Inclusion Requirements Eligibility Requirements for Renewable Energy Project transitioning to or seeking labelling under GS4GG ...

This webinar is hosted by SustainCERT and Gold Standard and provides training and support on the latest Gold Standard updates. The webinar covers: 1. Rules Updates & Clarifications including; Eligibility Requirements for Renewable Energy PoAs; Applicability of CDM programmes of activities procedure and requirements to gold standard PoAs; And a refresher on some important updates from GS4GG v1.2 2. Knowledge ...

This webinar, hosted by Gold Standard and presented by SustainCERT, provides VVBs with the latest Gold Standard rule updates. The webinar includes: 1. Rules Updates & Clarifications; Eligibility Requirements for Renewable Energy PoAs; Applicability of CDM programmes of activities procedure and requirements to gold standard PoAs; And a refresher on some important updates from GS4GG v1.2 2. Knowledge Base resource ...

NOTE: The Cookstove IQ Tool is currently in the process of being upgraded and will be re-released in the future. ...

The Gold Standard Strategy 2025 includes a focus on nature based climate solutions, with a specific focus on sequestration or ‘carbon removals.’ This webinar will provide more details about the recently published Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Framework Methodology. Introduction and trends in scientific need and market demand for removals Overview of the Framework Methodology Process for approval of an Activity ...

Introduction Q3 2019 ...

GS4GG Standards Changes and Rule Updates ...

Project Developers Training Updates Q2 2019 ...

VVB Training Q2 2019 ...

This is the first of the quarterly training sessions for Gold Standard Validation/Verification Bodies. The session provides additional information on the latest Gold Standard rule updates. ...

ClimateSeed will share how their secure platform can help improve your project’s visibility to potential buyers. Gold Standard will also highlight a programme in which those who develop projects under other standards can have their SDG impacts certified by Gold Standard and be listed as such on the ClimateSeed platform. ...

The Paris Agreement poses a new framework for carbon markets compared to the Kyoto Protocol. While the Kyoto Protocol was limited in both coverage and ambition, the Paris Agreement applies to all countries and its ambition introduces global net zero emissions targets. ...

Gold Standard is reassessing the role of carbon finance in supporting the transition to renewable energy to direct funding to interventions most in need. In many middle and high income countries, Renewable Energy (RE) is becoming a sustainable and attractive business, thanks to the increasingly favourable market, policy and technical conditions that allow finance to flow to projects. Developing countries, ...

This webinar will share progress on the programme funded by the European Climate & Energy Policy and New Market Mechanisms, German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUB) to lead a comprehensive assessment of Gold Standard projects' double counting risk against host country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and create solutions to provide continuity for finance to flow to voluntary projects around ...

As part of its new standard Gold Standard for the Global Goals, Gold Standard is launching a new quality label for renewable energy market instruments. This Gold Standard Renewable Energy Label will provide the assurance that the renewable energy projects are developed to the highest quality in terms of environmental integrity, SDG Contributions, stakeholder inclusivity, safeguards, and monitoring, reporting and ...

The background of the ADALYs methodology, including funders, experts and partners involved in the development process and provides an overview of the structure of the tutorial. ...