This Rule Update introduces the mandatory use of digital SDG Impact Tool for the quantification and reporting of SDG impacts and assessment against Safeguarding Principles and Requirements by Project Developers (PD) and Coordinating and Managing Entities (CME); validation/verification by Validation and Verification Bodies (VVBs) and design and performance review by Gold Standard/Certification Body (CB).
The rule update outlines: • Revisions to Paragraph 2.1.7 in the Renewable Energy Activity Requirements (V1.4), which pertain to the pre-approved exception for eligibility of grid-connected renewable energy projects with distributed installations. • Eligibility criteria for grid-connected projects that feature a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).
Following the publication of the Procedure for Development, Revision, and Certification of Methodologies and Methodological Tools v.2.0, the Gold Standard has conducted a review of status of approved methodologies.
With this rule update, the scope of the fast-track preliminary review is extended to include most project types, the document requirements have been reduced and the timelines for review expedited. The revised requirements and procedures are summarised in this rule update document.