Requirements for conducting a mandatory stakeholder consultation and engaging stakeholders affected by a project on an ongoing basis. ...

Safeguarding principles and associated requirements that all projects must assess and conform to throughout the certification process. ...

Requirements, timings and procedures to transition projects from previous version of Gold Standard to Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG). ...

Requirements for designing and implementing a Programme of Activity (PoA) – an 'umbrella' certification under which multiple projects may be developed. ...

Specific requirements for micro-scale projects – those projects with less than 10,000 tCO2e in annual emissions reductions. ...

This document describes how Gold Standard certification decisions are made and how VVBs are approved to audit Gold Standard projects. It also includes which GS-VVBs are eligible to audit different Gold Standard project certification pathways. ...

This document provides specific requirements for Community Services projects, including renewables (mini/off-grid), end-use energy efficiency, waste management and handling and WASH. It is to be read in conjunction with the Gold Standard for the Global Goals Principles & Requirements. ...

Specific requirements for grid-connected renewable energy projects. It is to be read in conjunction with the Gold Standard for the Global Goals Principles & Requirements. ...

Specific requirements for Land-use and Forest projects, including Afforestation/Reforestation (A/R) and Agriculture. It is to be read in conjunction with the Gold Standard for the Global Goals Principles & Requirements. ...

Provides guidelines to help projects better consider, articulate and mitigate risk with regards to A/R and Agriculture projects. It is to be read and used in conjunction with the Gold Standard Land-Use & Forests Activity Requirements. ...

This document provides the Requirements and pathway to certification for Sustainable Urban Development projects and programmes. ...

This downloadable excel document provides a list of all the methodologies eligible for certification under Gold Standard for the Global Goals. The document includes all Gold Standard methodologies and eligible CDM methodologies and provides a one-stop-shop for project practitioners assessing which methodology to apply to their project activity. ...

This methodology was released for road testing and has since been replaced by the Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Activity Module released under the SOC Framework Methodology. ...

Methodology for quantification of GHG Emission Reductions from improved management in smallholder dairy production systems. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

This document sets out the Requirements and Guidelines for carrying out usage surveys for projects implementing improved cooking devices. It is an annex to several methodologies related to clean cooking. ...

Methodology to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from micro-scale cookstove projects. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from alternative ignition techniques. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from displacing fossil fuel stoves with plant oil stoves. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for estimating and verifying 'Averted Mortality and Disability Adjusted Life Years' (ADALYs) from cleaner household air projects. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs), such as Black Carbon, from improved cookstove projects. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from improved household device (e.g. efficient light bulbs) projects. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from thermal improvements in buildings. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from fuel switch to biomass. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions switching from fossil fuels to biomass residues. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from micro-scale energisation and electrification projects. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements project may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from small scale food presevation activities. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from small scale energy production for agricultural products. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from using biodiesel made from waste projects. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from manure management activities. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology to quantify Emissions Reductions from the retrofit of energy efficiency measures in shipping. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from applying advanced hull coating activities. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from installing flow improvement equipment on ships. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Requirements and process for Renewable Energy projects to issue Gold Standard labels for eligible Renewable Energy Products such as Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). ...

This document sets out the procedures and guidelines for all standards setting activities at Gold Standard. This includes the development and revision of standards, tools, guidelines, methodologies and procedures. ...

Defines the role, remit, authority and modalities of the Gold Standard Technical Governance Committee (TGC). The TGC is responsible for the technical governance in Gold Standard, in line with the Technical Governance Guiding Principles. ...

Provides the principles that guide all the technical developments made under Gold Standard, including standards-setting; methodology, tools and guideline development; and certification structures and decision making. ...

Gold Standard's approach to the monitoring and evaluation of its impacts. It shows how the ISEAL Code of Good Practice; “Assessing the Impacts of Social and Environmental Standards Systems” is/will be applied. ...

This document presents the Gold Standard Gender Policy, as applicable at an organisational level and to the standards and certification of Gold Standard projects. ...