This methodology applies to the activities that involve recovery and use of methane from manure and agricultural wastes that would be decaying anaerobically, emitting methane to the atmosphere, in the absence of the implemented activity ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from displacing fossil fuel stoves with plant oil stoves. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

The methodology is applicable to projects that implement shore-side or offshore electricity supply for ships while they are docked at berths or offshore. The use of onshore or offshore sources, such as specially designed buoys, to provide electricity replace the need for ships' fossil-fuel auxiliary power generators. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from fuel switch to biomass. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions switching from fossil fuels to biomass residues. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from using biodiesel made from waste projects. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from micro-scale energisation and electrification projects. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements project may be issued with carbon credits. ...

Methodology for projects seeking to quantify GHG Emissions Reductions from small scale energy production for agricultural products. Used in conjunction with the GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration Product Requirements projects may be issued with carbon credits. ...