Support Training Tools

This downloadable excel document provides a list of all the methodologies eligible for certification under Gold Standard for the Global Goals. The document includes all Gold Standard methodologies and eligible CDM methodologies and provides a one-stop-shop for project practitioners assessing which methodology to apply to their project activity.


Gold Standard hosted a training webinar for Validation and Verification Bodies (VVB) Auditors on the 27 June which covered a range of important topics related to the digital SDG Impact Tool and Dashboard, including: - How to easily access and best use of tool - Key functions of the tool and benefits for auditors and project reviewers - Introduction to the dashboard - Open Q&A session

Webinar on new Gold Standard methodology - Methane Emission Reduction by adjusted Water Management practice in rice cultivation Presented by Hugh Salway, Owen Hewlett, Ashwin Shailaja and Lokesh Dube from Gold Standard and Reiner Wassmann from Climate Change and Agriculture Expert, International Rice Research Institute