RELATED TEMPLATE : Transition CDM Other Standard to GS4GG ...

This rule update introduces changes to harmonize requirements on the maximum crediting period allowed with regards to projects transitioning from another carbon crediting scheme, including CDM, to issue Gold Standard VERs under Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG) or CDM projects applying for GS4GG labelling. ...

This rule update introduces changes to the eligibility requirements of Small Scale (SSC) projects and Voluntary Project Activities (VPAs) accounting Suppressed Demand Scenario to establish baseline. ...

This rule update relaxes eligibility requirements for transition projects seeking GS VERs or labelling of emission reductions under Gold Standard for the Global Goals. ...

Introduces new eligibility requirements specifically for Programme of Activities (PoAs) with Voluntary Project Activities (VPAs)/Component Project Activities (CPAs) involving renewable energy technologies. ...

Outlines the requirements for CDM projects seeking to transition to Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG). ...

Gold Standard expands the scope of its Renewable Energy Requirements to include Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incineration project activities. Gold Standard has developed a set of new requirements for MSW incineration project activities seeking certification under Gold Standard for the Global Goals. ...

To encourage more renewable energy projects, Gold Standard has expanded its RENEWABLE ENERGY LABEL REQUIREMENTS to provide more flexibility for retroactive Renewable Energy projects applying to certify just Renewable Energy Labels. The new rule update also aligns our Renewable Energy Label requirements with eligible renewable energy labelling schemes, such as iRECs. ...

Gold Standard has released the standard procedure for Impact Quantification methodology approval under the Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG). ...

The rule update allows GS-CER projects to become eligible for Gold Standard Renewable Energy Labels provided certain conditions are met to mitigate the risk of issuing carbon credits and renewable energy certificates from the same MWh. ...

The methodology “Reducing Vessel Emissions Through the Use of Advanced Hull Coatings” has been put on hold to address the inconsistencies in GHGs emission reductions quantification approaches. ...

Gold standard has introduced exemptions for retroactive projects from LUF and Shipping sector. ...

The following clarifications are relevant to all Project Proponents, regardless of the version of the standard under which your project is Registered. It provides a clarification to the ‘Gold Standard for the Global Goals Transition Requirements’ document in the following areas: - Certification Renewal and maximum certification periods for existing projects (i.e. those Registered under earlier versions of the Standard) ...