Methodology “Retrofit energy efficiency measures in shipping” – speed trial requirements

Version Released date Document name
v. 20.02.2024 CURRENT DOCUMENT - Methodology “Retrofit energy efficiency measures in shipping” – speed trial requirements
v.1.0 20.02.2024 RC-2024-Speed-trial-in-shipping.pdf

This clarification provides further information on requirements for conducting the speed trials to demonstrate compliance with Methodology for Retrofit Energy Efficiency Measures in Shipping V2.1.

Annex 1 of Methodology for Retrofit Energy Efficiency Measures in Shipping V2.0 refers to a “speed trial” data needs. The methodology refers to applicable protocols for speed trial, such as the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) guidelines for conducting speed trials. However, it does not provide explicit procedures and guidelines to conduct speed trials. This document outlines the essential requirements that shall be adhered to, in addition to the applicable international guidelines for conducting speed trials.


Document name Version Released date
Retrofit Energy Efficiency Measures in Shipping 2.1 13.12.2021