Sector Specific


As part of its new standard Gold Standard for the Global Goals, Gold Standard is launching a new quality label for renewable energy market instruments. This Gold Standard Renewable Energy Label will provide the assurance that the renewable energy projects are developed to the highest quality in terms of environmental integrity, SDG Contributions, stakeholder inclusivity, safeguards, and monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV).


The background of the ADALYs methodology, including funders, experts and partners involved in the development process and provides an overview of the structure of the tutorial.

Soil Carbon Framework

Soil Organic Framework

The Gold Standard Strategy 2025 includes a focus on nature based climate solutions, with a specific focus on sequestration or ‘carbon removals.’ This webinar will provide more details about the recently published Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Framework Methodology. Introduction and trends in scientific need and market demand for removals Overview of the Framework Methodology Process for approval of an Activity Module and eligible SOC activities How the SOC Framework Methodology differs from the ValueChange SOC guidance for corporate Scope 3 emissions.