A step closer to supporting the creation and transfer of Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) under Article 6.
The GHG Emissions Reduction and Sequestration Product Requirementswhich provides the specific rules for projects seeking issuance of products (i.e., GS VERs, GS CERs and PERs) has been updated to:
- Incorporate latest understanding and developments within the global climate policy regime, following the adoption of Article 6 guidance
- Introduce further clarity on key aspects related to GHG specific product requirements
- Promote consistency between various standard documents
These updates have been made based on outputs from COP26, feedback from multiple consultations, and participation within working groups including the Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative and our own Working Group on Article 6 set up to ensure environmental integrity and that carbon finance continues to flow where it has the greatest impact.
Key changes include:
- Revised double counting requirements to incorporate new procedures to manage VERs authorised for use under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
- Buffer requirements for non-carbon sequestration projects and clarification on issuance of PERs
- Clarification on justification requirements for retroactive projects
- Minimium site visit requirements for VVBs
- Working definition for carbon removal project types
If you have any feedback or would like to speak with Gold Standard directly about Article 6 activities, please email Kavya Bajaj.
Authorisations and adjustments under Article 6:
What you need to know, and what is still unknown
22 February 2022
From text to trade: How is Article 6 guidance being implemented on the ground?
21 April 2022
Further readings

Good practice principles and guidance for activities within cooperative approaches under Article 6.2

Additionality under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement

Promoting sustainable development through Article 6 – The role of bilateral agreements