This document describes the process for reviewing, approving new methodology & methodology tool, revisions and updates to an approved methodology and methodology tool and addressing clarifications on approved methodology and tools, followed under the GS4GG.
Gold Standard has revamped the methodology development procedure. Updates and new requirements including following changes.
- General methodology principles and requirements, including reference to Article 6.4 RMP methodology requirements.
- Methodology review through methodology working group.
- Secretariat-led methodology development, revision, and clarification procedure.
- Revision request pathways (developer and Secretariat-led models).
- Ad hoc and periodic methodology review, with the ability to pause methodology if necessary.
- Required 30-day public consultation for methodology and any major revisions.
- Standard validity applicability conditions.
- Procedure for methodology clarifications.
- Public disclosure requirements for different approval stages of methodology.
- Editorial changes