Gold Standard for the Global Goals is our next-generation standard, designed to accelerate progress toward climate security and sustainable development. The standard enables initiatives to quantify, certify and maximize their impacts toward climate security and the Sustainable Development Goals, while enhanced safeguards, holistic project design, management of trade-offs and local stakeholder engagement ensure Gold Standard continues to deliver the highest levels of environmental and social integrity.
More information:
Transitioning existing projects to Gold Standard for the Global Goals.
The transition to the standard is designed to be simple and practical, minimising resources on the developer’s side. Please see our Transition Requirements>> for further information about transitioning existing projects to Gold Standard for the Global Goals.
Frequently Asked Questions.
For more information about Gold Standard for the Global Goals, please visit our FAQs
Earlier Standard Versions.
Earlier versions of our standard are available here
Hard copy availability.
All Standards documents are available in hard copy upon request in cases where this cannot be reasonable carried out by the body requesting. A charge will be applied for printing and postage costs. Please note that requests for multiple or large documents require a reasonable notice period, dependent on the availability of Gold Standard staff>>