The purpose of this Deed is for a Project Developer to undertake that any double-claimed units shall be replaced with eligible replacement units in line with Gold Standard’s requirements, which must be supported by an approved insurance policy. ...

The starting point for all projects seeking Gold Standard certification of any kind. It provides the mandatory Principles & Requirements that all Gold Standard projects must conform to. ...

Requirements for conducting a mandatory stakeholder consultation and engaging stakeholders affected by a project on an ongoing basis. ...

Safeguarding principles and associated requirements that all projects must assess and conform to throughout the certification process. ...

Mandatory gender-sensitive procedures/strategies that all projects must conform to. Plus optional gender-responsive guidelines for those projects wishing to quantify and certify specific gender equality (SDG 5) impacts. ...

Guidelines to assist project developers, partners and funders in communicating accurately and credibly about the benefits derived from Gold Standard projects. ...

The document provides the minimum requirements and procedures for Gold Standard Validation and Verification Bodies (GS VVBs) and Certification Bodies (CBs) to validate and verify standalone projects and Programmes of Activities (PoAs) that apply Gold Standard for the Global Goals and all earlier versions of the standard. ...

Requirements for physical site visits and the requirements and procedures for conducting audits using remote audit techniques exclusively or in combination with physical site visits. Applicable to standalone projects of all scales. ...